Now for the Exterior! Mokum Makeover Part 4

Now for the Exterior! Mokum Makeover Part 4

The cabin interior done, bar the new boards for the electrics, it was time to start on the exterior. Firstly, the cabin top and decks. After stripping the cabin roof and deck of all fittings (stanchions, lifelines, grab rails etc) the sanding started. One of the...
Mokum Makeover – Part 3

Mokum Makeover – Part 3

There was a lot of pleasure in taking off the various components of the boat, knowing that some would be cleaned up then replaced and some replaced with new items. Some we ummed and ahhd about. Others we knew would not be going back on the boat. The speedo, for...
Mokum makeover Part 2

Mokum makeover Part 2

We continued our search. Generally, I was of the opinion that it would be better to pay more for something that was ready to sail, rather than pay less and have something requiring lots of work. But Jenni didn’t like the look of any of the boats we saw, many of which...